Villa Ca’ Nave and Oratory of the Saviour

Located along the road which leads from the town centre to Padova the villa consists in a main building with octagonal wings and two crenellated towers. Soon after getting the noble title of the Republic of Venice Bernardo Nave decided to renovate his weekend cottage and to build a mausoleum chapel on the site of an antic xenodochio named after S. Lazzaro. By 1689 the chapel dedicated to the Saviour was built: the front is made of masonry and white marble of Verona under the direction of the architect Antonio Gaspari who took his inspiration from the famous architect Palladio. The decorations of the interior can be considered a precious and homogeneous example of paintings and statues of the late 17th century. The fresco decorations are assignable to the french painter Louis Dorigny, the marble statues and the busts to the Flemish Le Court.

Oratory of the Saviour of Villa Ca’Nave.
open to visitors upon booking at the tourist office IAT

Altri monumenti