Visit the neighbourhoods

What about going to Cittadella?

  • …for a walk in its green parks, that of Brenta River and that of Onara Swamp.
  • …going to Cittadella means: make a journey in the history of the Middle Ages, visit its ramparts and see the historic recollection.
  • …You can visit the villas that have the style and gardens of the typical Venetian nobility houses.
  • …You can give up to country life , full of traditions and foodstuffs.
  • …You can make a trip in place of faith, between oratory with frescoes and parish churches of ancient origins


Cittadellese is a place between the Valsugana and the Postumia road, it is inside a road system created by the Romans, and it  is near the course of the ancient Medoacus, the Brenta river.
Along the river Brenta there are, alternate, villages and fields, and there are also artistical, natural and historic witnesses. Moreover there is a foodstuffs heritage handed on until nowadays from the wisdom and the farm origins of this land.

The territory offers to the visitors a lot of destinations and satisfy multiple interests and passions.
Villas, mansions, civil and religious places, parks and natural places are elements well place in the territory of Cittadellese.
The land crossed by the river in characterized by holm woods, ponds, equipped areas and wide areas of gravel, all these things are part of the Parco del Brenta.

This area, from a social, economic, natural and cultural angle, is unique in its kind, through the presence of the river that flow through many municipality. As an example Carmignano di Brenta takes its name from “its” river, and dedicated to it, there are three leggends well known by the inhabitants.
Another naturalistic attraction recall another river: Tergola, it forms one of the most wide wet areas of the district, the Onara Swamp, reach of special flora and fauna that you can admire in the swamp park that is equipped with catwalks and turrets.

Cittadella is in a central point in the territory. Cittadella is located in the middle of the plain, distinguishable for its unmistakable Middle Ages defence system: the walls. A circular defensive strong point with ramparts you can walk on, from it you can see the landscape and on the background the awesome mountains and the famous Monte Grappa.

The industrious past of Cittadellese is also remember in the various architectural witnesses of striking beauty, the Venetian villas: majestic buildings where it was put side by side the luxury and amusement of the lords and the productivity and management of the agricultural property. These are placed in different municipality, the biggest example you can find is in Piazzola sul Brenta with Villa Contarini, a wonderful building built in the middle of the XVI century, it is form by a principal building, two side wings connected with the stables and the barchesse (a kind of warehouses), together with a beautiful park of 50 hectare placed in the north-side of the villa. The wonderful semicircular square in front of the villa it is bounded by an arcade building. After several research and study the architect it isn’t know, but the most popular names are three geniuses: Andrea Palladio, Vincenzo Scamozzi and Baldassarre Longhena.

Other villas take place in Fontaniva (Villa Borromeo and Villa Gallarati – Scotti), Onara, Galliera Veneta (Villa Imperiale with its striking Romantic garden open to visitors), Camposanmartino (Villa Busetto e Villa Breda), San Giorgio in Bosco (Villa Bembo and Villa Anselmi) San Pietro in Gù (Villa Zilio).
The common thread of Cittadellese is the quiet but laborious life in the field, full of traditions and faith, that give to every village a peculiarity that make it special.

Grantorto has its old mills where, in the past, people took corn to milled; in Curtarolo is preserved a Middle age oratory dedicated to Saint Francis, and inside there are decorations of the famous painter Giusto de’Menabuoi; in San Martino di Lupari, surrounded by the countryside, rise the ancient oratory of S. Massimo here are display various Byzantine find. Gazzo carry out the tradition of the production of Grana Padano and Asiago, these are some speciality D.O.P. of Cittadellese, proud of its local products: the polenta, rice, Montasio cheese, chicory, nougat, pinza cake, grappa…