
The theatre rises along the street to the western gate. It was designed by Giacomo Bauto in 1817 and completed by Francesco Cibele.
The elegant neoclassical façade is ascribed to Giuseppe Japelli, author, among other things, of the famous Caffè Pedrocchi in Padova.
The theatre is organised according to 19th century canons: an entrance-hall, an semicircular audience-hall with stage and three rows of boxes and a smoking hall.
The magnificent frescoes represent flowers, cupids and allegorical figures and were done by Francesco Bagnara, a stage designer and painter, to whom is also ascribed the decoration of the theatre “La Fenice” in Venice.

via Indipendenza
Pro Cittadella Tel.+ 39 049-5970627
open to visitors upon booking at the tourist office IAT

Altri monumenti